The Learning Curve

Monday, December 18, 2006

Monsieur Andrés, Please Take The Stage

After the incredibly positive reaction that Finn's footage received at the premiere last night, it's only fair that his podcast is now live. You know the drill.


A big thanks to everyone who turned up for the premiere of "The Learning Curve" last night. It was good to see so many familiar faces from skateboarding past and present. It all went well apart from one thing...the bootleggers were there and already some of my hard work has appeared on the intraweb. Karma shall prevail.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Video Premiere

So, it's done! It's time to let some people see this thing I guess.

"The Learning Curve"
will be premiering on:
Sunday 17th December
8pm at Lounge 34 (formerly Ruby Lounge), 34 Lower Marsh, London SE1 7RG.
It's over the road from where Cide used to be, behind Waterloo Station.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dirty Dawg

All that was left to do to complete "The Learning Curve" was to edit Edson's section, but it was proving difficult due to me not allowing the newest member of his family to visit my flat. Can I be blamed though after witnessing the carnage that little Floyd had previously caused at Edson's flat?

Today though I had to relent as there was no way of editing the section without Edson's backseat driving, so I granted Floyd a one day pass on the promise that he was now house trained.

Sure enough, within five minutes, Floyd had jumped on my bed and flicked his bladder release switch to open. Stoked! Freshly washed duvet cover straight back in the washing machine. It was the first of three wet attacks this afternoon, but somehow I also managed to get the editing done with Edson's seal of approval too! Swings and roundabouts eh?

Video grab of Floyd "Satan" Edson and his dad

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Peace In A Pod

New podcast has just gone live featuring the peaceful life of Mr. James Edson. If you don't know how or haven't subscribed yet then there's no hope for you. More soon.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Last Minute Let Down

Well, I keep dangling the "last day to get final footage" carrot in front of everyone's noses and on Saturday people showed up in numbers, but for some reason it just wasn't happening. Maybe the God of final footage days is a bit annoyed at being taken so lightly, maybe the curse of the camera has returned. Whatever the reason, we got nothing done. Not for lack of effort though. Rimmer's body shook the Earth many a time and Styley was on hand to capture the results. Click for larger version.

Photo: Styley
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