As I mentioned in the "Mr. Blobby's Ends" post a little while ago, Styley had called me with a view to maybe returning to Bloblands with someone interesting. Well it happened on Friday. It was Louie Barletta's last day in London so he, his roomie Christine, Mike Sutcliffe, Josh Roullion, Zac and Alan from Crossfire, Styley and myself all went on a little trip back there. Another blazing hot day and another great filming day ensued. We hit Bloblands first, then Crystal Palace where we witnessed Mr. Barletta land undoubtedly one of the most incredible tricks to be done there. Simply ridiculous! Zac, Alan, Josh and Mike then departed but Louie had another trick up his sleeve for the Holborn bench in bank spot. A few tries and it's in the bag (of suck).
That should have been the end of the day as we dropped Louie and Christine back to their pad, but Rimmer was hungry for an evening hook-up, so we went along to Docklands and got two more tricks with him that he's been eyeing up for a while now. He's going good at the moment, let's hope this productive period continues. Click image for larger version. Styley's photos from the day will be appearing in Sidewalk magazine soon.

Louie and Mike teaching the kids how to skate
Photo: Styley