The Learning Curve

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

That Taint Right

A Hammersmith rail almost claimed Rimmer's extremeties this evening but he "escaped" with a taint smash. Whilst he was recovering, and we were wondering if he would, a security guard told us that we couldn't take photos or do any filming because there were kids in the background and therefore we must be taking pictures of the kids! Lunatic. No attempt to kick us out with any other reason than we were paedophiles! He was then verbally humiliated by Styley who involved members of the public in his torrent of abuse until the guard retreated to call the real police. The taint was damaged enough that we had to leave anyway. We then found some ridiculously steep banks nearer to home so with footage from this new spot and my early afternoon meeting with Edson and Keegan, it turned out to be quite a fruitful day.
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